Part of a group of IP rights – provides legal protection to creators/authors of works: (Books, journal articles, music, films etc.)
SA: Copyright Act and Regulations of 1978
Copyright is based on premise © owner has right to control how works are used. Some limited exceptions
A transactional licence is a one-off licence which requires institutions to obtain permissions up front for the specific reproduction of a specific item for a specific purpose. (UWC and CPUT)
A blanket licence is an umbrella licence issued to education institutions against payment of a fixed fee per FTEs (Full-time equivalent Student) (UCT and SU)
For research or personal use (Sect 12 Act:) single copy of reasonable portion
Copies made by academic depts (Reg 13)
By way of illustration: portion of literary/musical work (Sect 12 Act) (By way of example/clarification, not primary source of instruction)
Worst case scenario: Legal action
Creative Commons helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. We unlock the full potential of the internet to drive a new era of development, growth and productivity.
Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC)
Publishing Liaison Office (PLO): Provides copyright services to 4 universities in Western Cape:
Facilitate the observance of the copyright law
Explore cost effective ways to disseminate course materials
Facilitate the practical process of obtaining copyright clearance – UWC (Transactional Licence)
Dissemination methods:
Type of Content:
Use Open Access materials (creative commons)
Books/journals: Place original on short loan (small student nos)
E-journals: provide links (library can assist)
Internet content: provide links
Course Packs (printed) no links possible – payment
Reduce size of extracts and pages
Reduce student numbers (actual use
Section 10: adopts fair use.