+27 21 959 2946library@uwc.ac.za


Part of a group of IP rights – provides legal protection to creators/authors of works: (Books, journal articles, music, films etc.)

 SA: Copyright Act and Regulations of 1978

  •   Legislative reform is required
  •   Copyright Amendment Bill 2017

Copyright is based on premise © owner has right to control how works are used. Some limited  exceptions

A transactional licence is a one-off licence which requires institutions to obtain permissions up front for the specific reproduction of a specific item for a specific purpose.  (UWC and CPUT)

A blanket licence is an umbrella licence issued to education institutions against payment of a fixed fee per FTEs (Full-time equivalent Student) (UCT and SU)

For research or personal use (Sect 12 Act:) single copy of reasonable portion

 Copies made by academic depts (Reg 13)

  •  Per term, per course, not part of course pack
  •  No more than 3 short poems, articles, stories
  •  No more than 9 instances of above (effect must not conflict with normal exploitation of work)

By way of illustration: portion of literary/musical work (Sect 12 Act) (By way of example/clarification, not primary source of instruction)

Worst case scenario: Legal action

  1. Find your article on the library databases e.g. EbscoHost
  2. Select the article
  3. Select “export” in the right hand column
  4. Select “direct export in RIS format”
  5. Click “save”. The file is now saved as “delivery.ris”
  6. Open iKamva to your course resources
  7. Click on the “Add” dropdown button & select “Add citation list”
  8. Select “import citations”, and then click “browse” or “choose file” to go to your saved “delivery.ris” file. Select the file & click “import”. Your new article citation now appears in your resources.
  9. To test it (even off campus), click on the article title which should open to the extended bibliographic page of the article.
  10. Select the PDF full text to open the document

Creative Commons helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. We unlock the full potential of the internet to drive a new era of development, growth and productivity.

Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC)

Publishing Liaison Office (PLO): Provides copyright services to 4 universities in Western Cape:

  • Facilitate the observance of the copyright law

  • Explore cost effective ways to disseminate course materials

  • Facilitate the practical process of obtaining copyright clearance – UWC (Transactional Licence)

Dissemination methods:

  •   Course packs/readers (printed)
  •   Single handouts
  •   Course management system (iKamva)
  •   Short Loan Section (Library)

Type of Content:

  •   Book chapters (printed): clear permission
  •   E-books: terms of use – license agreements
  •   E-journals: terms of use – licenses (restrictive)
  •    Internet: assume copyrighted unless disclaimer

Use Open Access materials (creative commons)

  1. Directory of open access books: https://doabooks.org
  2. Directory of open access journals: https://doaj.org

Books/journals: Place original on short loan (small student nos)

E-journals: provide links (library can assist)

Internet content: provide links

Course Packs (printed) no links possible – payment

Reduce size of extracts and pages

Reduce student numbers (actual use

Section 10: adopts fair use.

  • New section 12(1)(a)(i)-(viii): Research, private study or personal use, criticism or review, news reporting, scholarship, teaching and education, comment, illustration, parody, satire, caricature or pastiche, preservation in libraries, archives and museums, access for underserved populations, public administration.
  • New section 12(b): four fair use factors found in U.S. law:
  • the nature of the work in question [second], the amount and substantiality of the part of the work affected by the act in relation to the whole of the work [third], the purpose and character of the use, including whether—such use serves a purpose different from that of the work affected and it is of a commercial nature or for non-profit research, library or educational purposes [first], and the substitution effect of the act upon the potential market for the work in question [fourth].